Holy Week Family Guide: The Anointing and Betrayal

Holy Week Family Guide: The Anointing and Betrayal

Author: Venture KXP Team
Mar 26, 2024 | Matthew 26:1-16


Matthew 26:1-16


On Tuesday, while Jesus taught His disciples at the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem, the religious leaders came together to make a plan to capture and kill Jesus. They didn’t believe Jesus was the Son of God who was sent to save them; they hated Jesus and wanted to murder Him even though He was innocent. Jesus never did anything wrong. The religious leaders were too afraid to arrest Jesus in public because they were afraid the crowds of people who listened to Jesus would get angry at them. 

Then, a friend and follower of Jesus, Judas went to the temple and asked the religious leaders how much they would pay for his help to betray Jesus. The religious leaders were happy to pay Judas 30 pieces of silver, and together, Judas and the religious leaders made a plan to arrest Jesus in secret.  

Greed, jealousy, pride – we don’t know exactly why Judas chose to betray His friend, but none of this surprised God. He always had a plan to rescue us, and part of that plan was Jesus, the only perfect person to ever live, to take our punishment for all the wrong things we’ve done. Because Jesus died for us and came back to life, He defeated the enemy! He defeated sin and death! We can have a new life with Jesus forever when we follow Him! Nothing, not the enemy, not sin, not death could ever stop God’s love and plans for His people! 


  • Q: How did Judas betray Jesus? 
  • A: Judas agreed to help the religious leaders arrest and kill Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.  
  • What is one way that you have sinned or made a mistake? God loves you so much and wants to forgive you of your sins. 


God, thank You for Jesus, Your perfect Son! We love and praise You! When we are scared or uncertain, help us remember how powerful You are. Nothing can stop You, God. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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