
Venture College

What is the Gathering?

Transitioning from high school to adulthood is a unique season of life that can come with a lot of fun and a lot of stress. For many, it’s a season full of changes and decisions that make up the path a person’s life will take. It can be overwhelming and exciting all at the same time. If this is your season of life right now, don’t try to figure it out on your own. At Venture, we believe it is important for everyone to invest in community - to do life with others who are going through the same things that you are while seeking growth in your relationship with the Lord. The Gathering is a place for college-aged (18-25 year-old) adults to find that community. The Gathering meets Tuesday nights at 6:30 p.m. at The Lincoln Road Campus.

The Gathering is currently taking a break for the summer semester! Stay tuned for more information about our Fall Launch!

College Resources

Connect with Venture College

Text Gather to
(601) 299-4493
