

What is baptism?
What does baptism mean?

The act of baptism can be defined as an outward expression of an inner change. Baptism is the way we publicly share with others that we have chosen to know, love, and follow Jesus. Baptism symbolizes that our old life of sin is washed away, and we are raised out of the water into a new life, RECLAIMED by God and repurposed for His glory.

It is important to understand that baptism does not make someone a Christian. Baptism is a declaration of belief that Jesus was the son of God, lived a perfect life, died for our sins, and was raised to life after three days. The Bible says that salvation is available to anyone who by faith believes in their heart that Jesus is who He says He is and confesses with their mouth that He is Lord. (Romans 10:9-11)

Venture Booklet | Know • Love • Follow

If you have questions about salvation or baptism, Venture’s Salvation & Baptism Booklet is a written guide to walk you through an understanding of who God is and what He did for us.

Why do we get baptized?

Jesus was baptized by immersion, and scripture instructs us to follow His example. After accepting God’s gift of salvation and beginning a personal relationship with Jesus, we are baptized as an act of obedience. Through baptism, we let others know we have been reclaimed by God and repurposed for His glory so that our story of redemption might point others toward God.

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