Courage to be the Light

Courage to be the Light

Author: Sarah Hunt
May 23, 2023 | Acts 13

Begin with 2 minutes of silence and stillness before God.

Has there ever been a moment in your journey with Christ when you began to realize that you are now different? A moment when you finally felt that you are a new creation in Christ? I’ve experienced this feeling throughout the years, and if I am being honest, not all of those times were pleasant in the moment. For me, I notice this holy transformation when I am around loved ones in my life who haven’t been made new yet. It can feel scary to share my new thoughts and views on the world that we live in when I know that the other person is thinking that I’m just naïve or too conservative or too liberal. Knowing that others won’t like what you have to say simply because it’s different can make it easy to not use your voice.

The simple truth is that we were made and called to be different. We were made to be a light for the Kingdom of Heaven so that those who are far from God would come close. Acts 13:47 says, “For so the Lord commanded us, saying, “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’” Some insight into this verse is that Saul and Barnabas were preaching the good news of salvation and freedom to Jews and Gentiles all over the place. But as we know, the religious leaders in the temple reviled these teachings. They contradicted Paul and his teachings. I’m sure you’ve encountered people and conversations very similar to this. Take heart and know that what the Holy Spirit has put on your mind to share with those around you is good and pleasing to Him. He has made you a little light that this world and Satan want to dim and keep others from seeing.

Will it be uncomfortable sometimes? Yes. Will there be moments when you’ll wish God would call someone else to share what He’s calling you to share? Probably. In these moments of doubt and fear, remind yourself of Joshua 1:9. It states, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” You have a light, a purpose, and an ever-present God who will help you be brave. I encourage you to step out and let those who are far from Jesus see the new creation and light that is available to them too.

Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.
  • Think about a time when you wanted to talk about Christ with someone but were afraid. What made you afraid to share?
  • Who is someone in your life that you would like to share the gospel with?
  • Pray that the Lord would give you courage to be the light that He has created you to be. Ask Him to create opportunities to share the gospel with a family member, co-worker, classmate, or even a complete stranger.

Family Devo: Acts 13

By Carrie Hobson

Have you ever tried to tell someone about Jesus and had the other people say that what you were saying wasn’t true? That’s what happened in today’s reading. Barnabas and Paul were in Salamis preaching the Word of God in the synagogues there. They came upon a magician named Elymas. He was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. Sergius asked Paul and Barnabus to tell him about God. Elymas didn’t want Sergius to hear the Word of God, so he tried to turn him away from listening. The Holy Spirit filled Paul, and he told Elymas that because he was full of deceit and evilness, the Lord would make him blind. Darkness fell on Elymas, and he could no longer see! When Sergius saw what happened, he believed what Paul and Barnabas had to say about God.

The enemy does whatever he can to keep people from believing God’s Word. He used Elymas to try to keep Sergius from believing. Even Satan knows the power God’s Word has and if people believe it, they will turn to Jesus.

How can we keep the enemy from trying to tell us that things about Jesus aren’t true? We can turn to God’s truth, His Word. Spend time reading the Bible and talking to God. Ask God to help you hide His truth in your heart. The more we know about God’s Word, the easier it will be to combat the lies of the enemy.

  • Pray: God, thank You for giving us Your Word. Thank You that we can use it to fight against the lies of the enemy. Help us to boldly speak truth to our friends so that they may know You.

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