I Saw God Today!

I Saw God Today!

Author: Amy Stampley
Sep 1, 2023 | Philippians 1

Being with 2 minutes of silence and stillness with God.

In Philippians 1, Paul demonstrates that in any circumstance, you can choose to live a life that advances the gospel. You can win souls for Christ because of your circumstances and also in spite of them. While you are suffering and healing and broken, your testimony can become the lifeline that someone else facing the same struggles may need. In Philippians 1:12 Paul acknowledges that being imprisoned has helped him to advance the Gospel.

We can draw upon the testimony of others as we see them walk out their life of faith. This gives us a front-row seat and allows us to witness the faithfulness of God. It shows us that God doesn’t let our struggles go to waste. He uses our stories for His glory when we call upon Him for strength to endure and overcome.

My family lost a very important member of the family today as I’m writing this. She was the grandmother of my children. She lived a long, fruitful life and witnessed generations die and be born. She was always so very kind and loved others. She never met a stranger. Her biggest burden over the last five years was watching my middle son battle addiction. Just 10 months ago, she witnessed him graduate from a program, healed and giving God all the glory! Today, there is no disputing what walking in favor looks like. My precious son, even in this difficult moment of grief, has such a peace about it all. I credit that to the peace that can only come from a true relationship with a sovereign God and loving Father. I’m so very thankful for the wonderful changes in his life, and I’m pretty sure his grandmother surrendered her life as a result of seeing those amazing changes in him. On the day he graduated from the program, she kept saying, “I saw God today.” And today, my friends, I’m confident she truly did! I believe without a doubt that she, completely healed, did see God face to face on this very day.

Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.
  • Identify one person that you’ve witnessed overcome a struggle that touched your life in some way. Reach out to them and share with them how their testimony has given you strength.
  • Identify ways that you can use your story to give God the glory - no matter how big or small. He can use it all.
  • Prayer: Dear God, thank You for giving us the strength to share our stories for Your glory. Thank You for using even our tragedies and turning them into testimonies. God, You allow us to see joy even when we suffer. You are such a loving Father, and we give You the highest praise! Amen.

Family Devo: Philippians 1

By: Ty Park
When partnering with your family to know, love, and follow Jesus, we strive to create and share content filtered by the Head-Heart-Hands model.

Head: the knowledge of God and His Word | Heart: the personal connection from scripture | Hands: a missional mindset 

Philippians Chapter 1 is a letter from the apostle Paul to the believers in Philippi. Paul is writing to encourage and remind them about the importance of spreading the Good News about Jesus. He talks about how even though he's in prison, he's still joyful because of his faith in Christ. Paul mentions that he's confident God will continue His work in them and help them grow in love and knowledge of God. 

As we read Philippians Chapter 1, our hearts should be filled with joy and hope. Even in difficult times, like being in prison, Paul found reasons to be happy because of his relationship with Jesus. This chapter teaches us that no matter where we are, we can find joy in our faith. Just like Paul cared deeply for the Philippians, we can care for our friends and family and help them know Jesus, too. 

As followers of Jesus, we are to spread joy and help others come to Know, Love, and Follow Jesus. We can encourage others, lend a helping hand, and do good things for people around us. Just like Paul wanted to share Jesus with the Philippians, we can share God's love with our friends by being good friends ourselves.

Prayer:  Dear God, thank You for the joy we can have in knowing Jesus. Help us to spread love, kindness, and joy to others. Guide us to be good friends and to share Your love with the people around us. Just like Paul, may we find joy in our faith and help others know You, too. In Jesus' name, amen.

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