Jesus Steps into the Widow's Pain

Jesus Steps into the Widow's Pain

Author: Blake Houston
Aug 9, 2024 | Luke 7:11-17

Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God.

And so, we’ve made it to the final day of our first week of learning to be “Salt and Light.” I have learned so much in this journey with you. I pray that you have heard the Lord speaking to you as well. 

In today’s story, Jesus is approaching the town of Nain, surrounded by His disciples and a large crowd. As He nears the town gate, He encounters another crowd – this one in the midst of a funeral procession. The deceased is the only son of a widow, and the gravity of the situation is palpable. Losing her only son not only breaks the widow’s heart but also leaves her vulnerable and without support in a society that offers little protection for widows.

Seeing her pain, Jesus is moved with deep compassion. “Don’t cry,” He tells her, and then Jesus does what He does – He touches the frame carrying the widow’s son and commands the young man to rise. Immediately, the young man sits up and begins speaking. Jesus gives him back to his mother, and the onlookers are awestruck. They praise God saying, “A great prophet has appeared among us... God has come to help his people.” Per usual, knowledge about this great act spread quickly.

This story isn’t just about a miraculous resurrection; it’s a vivid demonstration of Jesus’ willingness to step into the most painful and hopeless situations with transformative compassion. We have seen this again and again through the stories we’ve encountered this week. Jesus sees a need and steps into the fray. His touch interrupts the march of despair and brokenness in our lives and represents an in-breaking of the Kingdom of God.

As followers of the King, being salt and light means embodying this same kind of compassion. It’s about noticing the pain and suffering around us and stepping in to offer comfort and hope. We don’t need to perform miracles, but we can bring our presence, and in doing so, bring the Miracle Worker.

Reflecting on our week, we’ve seen how being salt and light involves compassion, courage, and a willingness to reach out to those in need. From the blind men who cried out to Jesus, to the leper who risked everything for a touch, to the widow who found hope in her darkest moment – each story has shown us the transformative power of Jesus’ compassion. A compassion that we are called to partake in.

Let us commit together to being active participants in God’s story of redemption. Friends, let’s choose to see the overlooked, to touch the untouchable, and to bring life to the lifeless areas around us. Let us be the salt and light that establishes pockets of Heaven in a broken world.

Our journey as salt and light doesn’t end here. It’s a daily call to live out the compassion of Christ in tangible ways. Be mindful to those around you, stand firm in the grace given to you by our Lord, and be ready to step into the stories of those around you.

So that they may come to know, love, and follow Jesus Christ.

Take two minutes to reflect in silence.
  • When was the last time you felt deeply moved by someone else’s pain? How did you respond? 
  • Think of a situation when you hesitated to act out of compassion. What held you back, and how can you overcome that in the future? 
  • How can you incorporate moments of solitude and prayer into your routine to ensure your acts of compassion are rooted in a deep connection with the Lord? 
  • Prayer: Father, thank You for the incredible compassion You showed through Jesus. Help me to see the needs of those around me and to respond with Your love and kindness. Teach me to be an interruption of compassion in the lives of those who are hurting and broken. May my actions reflect Your heart and be salt and light to those in despair. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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