Pattern for Peace

Pattern for Peace

Author: Angie Gates
Oct 23, 2024 | Philippians 4:1-9

Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God.

Did you ever play with a Rubik’s Cube growing up? I was always amazed if anyone could ever solve the whole cube. Actually, I never saw anyone do it unless they literally took all the pieces out and put them back together correctly. Left to our own efforts, we may get one or two sides solved but then it gets all messed up when you try to solve another side. That’s kind of what Philippians 4:4-7 reminds me of. I work on trying to not be anxious about things, then I work on trying to be gentle with everyone, and when I start trying to guard my own heart and mind, all my efforts just get messed up and what I thought I had originally accomplished doesn’t even exist anymore.  

Recently, my son found a cheat pattern for the Rubik’s Cube where if you repeat the same cycle of moves enough times you will eventually solve the whole cube. If we look closely at this piece of Scripture, we can see where Paul gives us a pattern that leads to the ultimate results we desire. If we follow this pattern, we will access an unexplainable peace that will automatically be the guard we need for our hearts and minds.  We don’t have to spend time trying to do it all, we simply take it all to Him in prayer and give Him the thanks He is due. That is the pattern! We pray, ask, and give thanks. If we spend our time talking to God and asking Him for help while giving Him thanks, the result is that He promises to give us this peace that we could never explain. This is what will guard our hearts and minds, not our own efforts.  

Our hearts and minds are the battlegrounds for every situation we encounter in life. Our emotions and thoughts tend to rule our decisions and therefore our lives! This really makes Philippians 4:7 a crucial verse to not only learn but incorporate into our daily lives. Let’s paint this picture in our minds. Imagine everything you feel, every sinful thought conceived, every worry in your mind, every anxious thought, every unsettled emotion has just ceased and has been replaced with an unexplainable peace. This is what Paul is trying to tell us we have access to through Jesus - a peace that stands guard over our hearts and minds and doesn’t allow thoughts to enter that would disrupt the confidence we have that Jesus is in control. 

So, we have to stop trying to achieve peace by controlling our own anxious thoughts. That is not our role. Our role is to follow the pattern of praying, asking, and giving thanks in all circumstances and to let God do His role and provide His peace that will guard our hearts and minds.  

Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence. 
  • Write down all the anxious thoughts you have troubling your mind.  
  • Take these thoughts and turn them into prayers to God. 
  • Take the same list and write ways to thank God as you present each request to Him.
  • Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for being the Prince of Peace! You are the safest place to bring my prayers and requests. Father, I bring my anxious thoughts and worries to You and I lay them at Your feet. Help me resist the urge to pick them back up. I love and trust You. In Jesus' name, amen.

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