Promise and Protection

Promise and Protection

Author: Blake Houston
Dec 8, 2023 | Revelation 7

Begin with 2 minute of silence and stillness before God.

Happy Friday, Venture Fam!

As we wrap up another week of devotions, we come to another powerful vision of what is to come in Revelation 7. I love this chapter because once you dive into the narrative, you see a chapter that is filled with promise and protection. And while the storyline is certainly discussing events that are to come, we can take the principles and realities of the chapter and apply them into our lives today.

Let’s dive in.

The chapter opens, and we find four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the winds of destruction, ensuring that not a leaf rustles, not a tree sways until God’s servants are sealed. It’s a powerful image of God’s protective care over His people. 144,000 from the tribes of Israel are marked with this seal, signifying their divine safeguarding in the midst of trials to come.

Then, the scene shifts, and we’re ushered into a powerful vision: a great multitude from every nation, trip, people, and language standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They are robed in white, waving palm branches, and their voices rising in a unified anthem of salvation belonging to God and the Lamb.

This is the Church in its glorified state, a mosaic of God’s redemptive work for all people at all times, salvation spreading across the expanse of human history.

It’s here, in this heavenly gathering, we’re reminded that our God is not a God of exclusivity but of inclusion. His plan of salvation encompasses every corner of the globe, every culture, every soul that turns to Him. The beauty of the vision in Revelation 7 lies not just in its diversity but in its unity–a unity that is only found in Christ.

This is why I love our church. Venture is filled with people from every walk of life, from every background, and every season. We are united under the banner of Jesus, who brings our lives together & makes it to where we can do immeasurably more together than we can do apart.

Just like the Church in Revelation 7, we at Venture stand before the King of Kings, having faced trials, tribulations, and difficulties in life. But we stand nonetheless, testifying to the power of Christ to overcome every need, every pain, and every tear.

Thank you, Jesus.

Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.
  • How does the vision of the multitude in white robes encourage your walk of faith? 
  • In what ways are you contributing to the diverse yet unified body of Christ in your daily life? 
  • What does it mean for you personally to be “clothed in the righteousness of Christ?” 
  • Prayer: Lord, as I think about the vision in Revelation 7, fill my heart with the assurance of Your protection and the joy of Your salvation. Help me to embrace the diversity of Your kingdom and to contribute to its unity through my actions and words. Thank You, Jesus, for Your righteousness, which allows me to stand boldly before the throne of God. In Your name, I pray, amen. 

Family Devo: Revelation 7

By: Amanda Carpenter

When partnering with your family to know, love, and follow Jesus, we strive to create and share content filtered by the Head-Heart-Hands model.   

Head: the knowledge of God and His Word | Heart: the personal connection from scripture | Hands: a missional mindset  


In Revelation 7, John’s vision shows an angel protecting God’s people. There were a large number of people praising God. They had gone through many trials and hard times but continued to praise God. Because they had accepted Jesus’ gift of salvation, the Bible says, “The one who sits on the throne will be with them to keep them safe. Never again will they be hungry. Never again will they be thirsty. He will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes” (Revelation 7:15-17). God doesn’t tell us that serving Him will be easy. In fact, James tells us in James 1 that we should consider it joy when we face trials because it gives us strength. God will give us everything we need to get through the hard times. If you’re going through hard times right now, it doesn’t mean that God loves you any less. He wants you to trust Him and grow stronger in your faith as you push through the hard times. Then you can one day encourage someone else who is going through a hard time and tell them what God did for you. 


When we go through hard times, we often want to question why God lets bad things happen to good people. Friends, He’s growing your faith by allowing His strength to shine through your weakness. Isaiah 41:9-10 says, “I have chosen you. I have not turned my back on you. So do not be afraid. I am with you. Do not be terrified. I am your God. I will make you strong and help you. I will hold you safe in my hands. I always do what is right.” Cling to those words today. 


If you have a friend who is going through a hard time right now, take a minute to pray for that person. 

Prayer: Lord, sometimes it’s hard to understand why we have to go through hard things. Help us to trust You and know that You have a plan in our hard times. Help us not to fear or be discouraged. The Bible tells us that You will keep us safe. Thank You for Your comfort and strength in the good times and the bad. Amen. 

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