Something to Wear

Something to Wear

Author: Katherine Pittman
Nov 1, 2024 | Colossians 3:1-17

Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God.

Today, we’re concluding our week of devotionals in one of my favorite New Testament books, Colossians. This book is rich with theological truth, yet so practical for our day-to-day lives as Christians. In one of my study Bibles, the headings above the chapters are left blank, so that as you study, you’re able to write a summary statement for the chapter below. Several years ago, above this chapter, I wrote, “Words to Live By”. I wrote that title because as you read this chapter, you’ll see a line-by-line description of how to walk with Christ on earth as a citizen of heaven.   

In today’s section, Paul is telling believers (then and now) to shift their thinking to things above. He says that these things above are both where Christ is and not of this earth. He also says that we must seek these things or “set” our minds on them, which implies intentionality on our part to do so. The original hearers of Paul’s message would’ve been bombarded with input from the culture around them, just as we are. We don’t have to seek the things of earth with intentionality; earthly things come to us with ease and sometimes loudly, whether it be by our flesh, by the methods of input we choose, or even just by living everyday life. Seeking things above requires more effort and sometimes it means letting go of habits that don’t serve us well so that we can create margin in our schedules to spend time with the Lord by reading His Word and through prayer. Taking time to gather with other believers in environments like House Church also helps us think on things above, as we come together to discuss Scripture and actually live out what it says.      

In the next few verses of Colossians, Paul goes on to say that as we walk with Christ, we must also get rid of inward desires and actions that are in opposition to what God has commanded. He then reminds believers that we don’t experience life change on our own, but rather by the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in us as we “have put on the new self” like verse 10 says.  Paul also speaks to this in 2 Corinthians 5:17 when he writes that those who are in Christ are a brand-new creation. When you surrender to Christ, you aren’t just dusted off and polished up to look like a shiny version of your old self, you are made new! Because you are made new in Christ, you can live differently. With a clothing analogy in Verse 12, Paul tells us what we “put on” as Christians. The amazing thing to me is that these attributes we are to “wear” are given to us by the Holy Spirit.  God calls us as His people to live this way and then provides the means by which to do it.  Like other passages we’ve studied during the Taste and See series, we read here that love is the foremost thing we are to possess - preferential love for others above ourselves from hearts of compassion.   

Paul concludes this section with verse 17, and it’s a great way to finish our week of devotions – with something we can carry with us as we roll into the weekend. This verse is a good one to commit to memory. The New Living Translation says it this way, “And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father.” 

Take two minutes to reflect in silence.  
  • Take a moment to evaluate what you are setting your mind on or seeking.  Are there steps you need to take to seek things above in the truth of Scripture?   
  • How can you “wear love” and have compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, and forgiveness with individuals you are around? 
  • How will you represent Christ today and every day? 
  • Take time to pray and ask the Lord to help you grow in the attributes Paul mentioned and trust that He will provide the growth you need to live for Him.

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