Stepping into the Story

Stepping into the Story

Author: Blake Houston
Aug 8, 2024 | Luke 5:12-16

Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God.

Hey everyone! Happy Thursday! Grab your Bible, because today we’re diving into one of my favorite stories in the Gospels.

In this passage in Luke, we find Jesus in one of the towns around Galilee when a man covered in leprosy approaches Him. This man, full of desperation, falls with his face to the ground and begs, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Without hesitation, Jesus reaches out His hand and touches the man. “I am willing,” he says. “Be clean!” Immediately, the leprosy leaves the man. Jesus then instructs the man to show himself to the priest and offer the sacrifices commanded by Moses as a testimony to them. Despite Jesus’ instructions to keep this miracle quiet, the news spreads, and crowds gather to hear Him and be healed of their sicknesses.

One of the things I love about this passage is the sheer shock factor involved. The image of Jesus reaching out to touch a leper is both shocking and beautiful. You see, lepers in that day and age were the ultimate outcasts, shunned and isolated from society. Yet, Jesus doesn’t just speak healing over the man - He touches him.

Don’t let that pass you by. Jesus, instead of doing the culturally appropriate and “safe” option, connected with the man, a person who had probably been an outcast for much of his life.

The touch of Jesus speaks volumes. It’s a touch that says, “You are seen. You are valued. You are loved.”

In a world that often pushes the marginalized to the fringes, being salt and light means that we follow Jesus’ example. We reach out, break barriers, and show compassion to those who are overlooked and forgotten.

Imagine the courage it took for the leper to approach Jesus. This man had been living in isolation, yet he had the faith to come to Jesus and ask for healing. Check out his words again: “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” The leper’s statement reminds us that as we pursue being salt and light in the world, faith is a crucial element.

And let’s not overlook Jesus’ practice of withdrawing to solitary places to pray. Amidst the miracles of the crowd, Jesus prioritized time alone with the Father. This is a vital lesson for us. To be effective as salt and light, we must stay connected to the Source. Our acts of compassion and love for others should flow out of a deep and abiding relationship with the Lord. It’s in the quiet moments of prayer that we receive the strength and guidance to live as Jesus lived in the world.

Ultimately, Jesus’ willingness to step into the leper’s story and break cultural barriers is a powerful example for us. He didn’t let societal norms dictate His actions. Instead, He showed that love and compassion transcend cultural boundaries. To be salt and light, we must be willing to do the same. We need to step into the lives of those who are marginalized, those who are hurting, and those who society often ignores. This is the unconditional love of Christ.

What are the barriers in your life that prevent you from reaching out to others? Is it fear? Prejudice? Busyness? Differing political views? Whatever it is, ask God to help you overcome it. Look around and see who needs a touch of Jesus’ love through you. It might be a neighbor, a co-worker, or someone in your community who feels invisible and unimportant.

Your willingness to step into their story could make all the difference.

Take two minutes to reflect in silence.
  • Reflect on a time when you felt like an outsider and someone reached out to you. How did that person’s act of kindness impact you? 
  • Identify someone in your life who might feel marginalized. How can you reach out to them this week? 
  • Consider the cultural barriers in your community. What steps can you take to break them down and show Jesus’ love? 
  • Prayer: Father, thank You for showing us the power of connection and the importance of faith. Help me to be the one who reaches out to those who society so often shuns and show them Your love. Increase my faith so I can be a beacon of hope to those who feel hopeless. Teach me to prioritize my relationship with You, to withdraw and pray, so that I may always be led by Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

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