The Blind See

The Blind See

Author: Jess Brinson
Apr 18, 2023 | John 9

Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.
In the beginning of John chapter 1, John said Jesus was the Word, and in 1 John 1:5, he says God is the Light. In chapter 8 verse twelve, we see that Jesus referred to Himself as “the Light of the world.”

I find it so compelling then that in chapter 9 we meet a man who is blind. He is living in perpetual darkness. The disciples thought that either his or his parents' sins had caused the blindness. Jesus revealed to them that it was no sin that caused the blindness. However, he was blind in order that the power of God could be shown.

Jesus, as he does, healed the man with some spit and dirt. He put the mud on the man’s eyes and commanded him to go to the Pool of Siloam. The man had faith and obeyed and therefore was healed.

We have all either been blind or are blind – spiritually speaking, that is.

The blind man was healed thanks to his obedience. He could have gone to a different pool or chosen a different way to wipe off the mud from his eyes. However, he did as Jesus said. He obeyed, and therefore, he could see.

We too can see if we choose to obey. Jesus is the Word. Jesus is the Light. If we want to be able to live in the light that God provides for His children, we must obey His Word. Not some of it or just the pieces we like, but all of it.

The scripture is Spirit breathed. We believe that it is directly from God. Therefore, if we want to be a child of God – if we want to see – we must obey what is written and follow Jesus.

Or, we can choose to stay blind like the Pharisees, but I wouldn’t recommend that.

Begin with 2 minutes of silence and stillness before God.
  • The Pharisees chose to remain blind. Take a few moments this morning and ask the Lord to reveal to you areas in your faith in which you may have intentionally or unintentionally been blind.
  • I encourage you to find a friend, family member, or someone from House Church that you can go to, admit your blind spots, and ask them to pray with you to bring light to those areas.

Family Application: John 9

By: Carrington Stuart

Today’s story is from the book of John and is about Jesus! I can’t wait to read all about it! One day, Jesus was walking through a town and saw a man who was born blind. He had never seen the sunset or the ocean, or even what his mom and dad looked like.

Jesus’s disciples asked Jesus why the man was born blind. Jesus told them that He knew that the man was special and that God was about to do something amazing! Then, Jesus made some mud from the dirt on the ground and put it on the man’s eyes. He told the man to go wash the mud off in a nearby pool. All of the sudden, after the man washed the mud off his eyes, he could see! He could see flowers and trees and clouds in the sky for the first time ever. That’s so amazing!

Lots of people noticed that the man could finally see as he was walking home. They were so surprised and wanted to know what happened! The man told them that Jesus had healed him. Everyone went looking for Jesus, but He had already left the town. But the man and everyone else kept telling everyone all about Jesus!

  • Has Jesus ever done anything amazing in your life that you can tell other people about? What can you thank Him for this week? How can you be grateful every day?
  • Prayer: God, thank You for always taking care of me and giving me so much to be grateful for. Thank You for my family, my friends, and every day that I get to be happy and enjoy everything that You have made. Help me to remember to thank You for all of the good things in my life and to tell others about how amazing You are, just like the man in the story today. I love You, God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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