The Great Babylon Falls

The Great Babylon Falls

Author: Austin Sines
Dec 25, 2023 | Revelation 18

Begin with 2 minutes of silence and stillness before God.

The book of Revelation is a vivid portrayal of the triumph of God's sovereignty over the powers of evil and the ultimate victory of His Kingdom. Revelation 18 unveils the fall of Babylon, a symbol of all that opposes God and His purpose. It's a powerful reminder of the fleeting nature of worldly wealth, power, and influence contrasted with the eternal glory of God. The world's system built on greed, immorality, and exploitation are about to crumble.

Babylon in Revelation represents not only a specific historical city but also symbolizes a spiritual reality: a world intoxicated by materialism, pride, and rebellion against God. The fall of Babylon reminds us that no matter how mighty or seemingly invincible human structures and empires appear, they will eventually face judgment. As believers, it's essential to discern the Babylonian influences in our lives.

Revelation 18 encourages us to detach our hearts from the transient treasures of this world and fix our gaze on the eternal Kingdom of God. It prompts us to invest our time, resources, and energy in things that align with God's character and purposes. Our lives should reflect the values of His Kingdom.

This chapter also emphasizes the response of heaven to Babylon's fall. There is rejoicing in heaven because God's justice prevails. As followers of Christ, our hope rests not in the temporal things we experience in this world but in the promise of the One who gives us true life forever and ever.

Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.
  • Are you captivated by the allure of material wealth, self-centered pursuits, or cultural norms that contradict God's truth?
  • Are we allowing these worldly influences to shape our values and priorities?
  • What can you do to break out of the rut of this world and step into God’s design?
  • Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us discern the Babylonian influences in our lives. Grant us wisdom to prioritize Your Kingdom above earthly pursuits. May our hearts be fixed on eternity, and may we live as faithful ambassadors of Your Kingdom's values in this world. Thank You for the assurance that Your Kingdom will prevail. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Family Devo: Revelation 18

By: Kaylee Collins

When partnering with your family to know, love, and follow Jesus, we strive to create and share content filtered by the Head-Heart-Hands model.   

Head: the knowledge of God and His Word | Heart: the personal connection from scripture | Hands: a missional mindset  


In today’s reading, the apostle John describes the fall of Babylon: a wicked city that represents evil. God destroys Babylon due to all of her immoral ways. Not only are we told about the destruction of Babylon, but we are also warned that ALL nations have fallen due to the influence of Babylon’s evil ways. We are advised that we must come away from this evil or we will also be punished. We see throughout this chapter how people have become too focused on worldly desires and possessions instead of focusing on what God has in store for us. What is pleasing to the world can be deceitful and is only temporary. For we are warned, “In a single moment it was all gone.” Instead of mourning over the destruction of Babylon, we are encouraged to rejoice over her fate because “God has judged her for your sakes”. 


Do you often find yourself getting distracted by the temporary things of this world instead of focusing on everything that God has to offer? It can be so easy to get wrapped up in all of the desires and possessions of this world (especially during the holiday season). Whether it’s money, electronics, toys, etc., these things can lead to immoral attitudes and behaviors such as greed, jealousy, pride, etc. Just because the things of this world give us temporary pleasure, it does not mean it is for the good and certainly will not last forever. For the things of this world are short-lived, but through God, we receive everlasting life. After all, we are warned, “All your luxuries and splendor are gone forever, never to be yours again”. 


As a family, discuss ways that you can spend more time focusing on God instead of the things of this world. 

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for everything that You have given us. Help us not to give in to the evilness that Babylon represents. Help us to keep our focus on You rather than the things of this world. Thank You for the everlasting life that we receive through You. In Jesus' name, amen.

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