The Mindset of Christ

The Mindset of Christ

Author: Cody Smith
Sep 4, 2023 | Philippians 2

Being with 2 minutes of silence and stillness before God.

Think about the problems that could be avoided and the arguments that could be resolved if such a skill were possible. For instance, my wife could instantly grasp my stubborn tendency to avoid asking for help, following directions, or reading instructions while assembling furniture. And I, in turn, could comprehend why my wife, Lauren, is particular about arranging couch pillows in a specific order, even when they all look the same to me! This newfound ability to understand each other's thoughts could spare us countless disagreements about pillow positioning and even help us decode the mystery of why dirty laundry must go in the laundry basket instead of calling the floor right beside it close enough (they are practically the same thing, right?)

Possessing the capability to grasp the thoughts and intentions of those in your midst, viewing the world from their standpoint – envision the harmony it could usher in and the misunderstandings it could forestall. But let's take that a step further – what if you could possess the very mindset of Jesus? To approach every challenge and every circumstance with His attitude and His understanding. The idea might seem unattainable, a lofty aspiration reserved for the spiritual elite. However, as we've journeyed through Philippians 2, we've uncovered a remarkable truth: This is not a far-fetched dream but a reality made possible through our connection with Christ.

Paul urges us to prioritize unity and harmony among believers, sharing the same love and thinking. Yet, he acknowledges the seeming impossibility of this task. It's here that we discover the heart of the matter – the transformative power of having the mind of Christ within us. It's not just an abstract concept; it's a divine gift. We're called not just to resemble, but to wholly adopt the attitude of Jesus. This means that as we navigate life's challenges – from minor irritations to substantial trials – we can approach them with the wisdom and humility of our Savior. We possess the mind of Christ, and that realization should resonate deeply within us.

We might have read these words before, but their profound significance often eludes us. The truth is, having the mind of Christ isn't reserved for some distant spiritual future. It's a reality we can embrace today. Our actions, attitudes, and responses can be molded by the Holy Spirit working within us. We're empowered to view life, people, and circumstances through a lens of godly perspective.

This transformative journey goes beyond merely changing our external circumstances. It's about changing how we perceive them. The mind of Christ enables us to hold firm to the truth that our purpose is to shine as beacons of light in a world longing for hope. By aligning ourselves with His word and allowing His Spirit to guide our hearts and minds, we're equipped to navigate life's twists and turns, reflecting the character of Christ to those around us.

So, as we conclude our exploration of Philippians 2, let's remember that the mind of Christ isn't an unreachable ideal; it's a present reality. It's an invitation to see the world through the eyes of our Savior and to embrace the transformation that comes from walking hand in hand with Him. As we go forth from this moment, may we carry the assurance that we're not alone on this journey – God Himself is working within us, guiding us, shaping us, and illuminating our path. 

Take 2 minutes to reflect in silence.
  • Consider the challenges you face in daily life. How might approaching these challenges with the attitude and understanding of Jesus make a difference in your experience and outcomes?
  • How does the concept of possessing the mind of Christ challenge your previous understanding of spiritual growth? How does it feel to know that this transformation is accessible here and now?
  • Think about a specific area of your life where you struggle to maintain a Christ-like attitude. How might focusing on aligning your thoughts with His mindset bring about change in that area? 
  • In what ways could viewing life, people, and circumstances through a "godly perspective" positively impact your relationships and interactions? What steps can you take to develop this mindset? 
  • Prayer: Heavenly Father, I desire to possess the same attitude that Christ exemplified during His time on Earth. In the face of challenges and circumstances, may I respond with humility, wisdom, and love. Help me to lay aside my own desires and align my thoughts with His, even in the most difficult moments. I trust that through Your Holy Spirit's work within me, this transformation is possible. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. 

Family Devo: Philippians 2

By: Carrie Hobson

When partnering with your family to know, love, and follow Jesus, we strive to create and share content filtered by the Head-Heart-Hands model. 

Head: the knowledge of God and His Word | Heart: the personal connection from scripture | Hands: a missional mindset  

What does it mean to have the mind of Christ? Philippians 2 teaches us all about the humility and attitude of Christ. Paul writes that we shouldn’t be selfish but count others as more important than ourselves. We should look out for others. Christ always had the attitude of humility and love. He wanted everything He did to be done to fulfill God’s will which is why He willingly sacrificed his own life. Paul continues in the chapter to tell us to “do everything without complaining and arguing”.  
Do you ever find yourself in a bad mood or feel like everything is going the opposite of how you want it to go? It makes it so hard not to grumble and complain, doesn’t it? It’s much easier to complain, but you know what’s really cool? When you don’t argue and grumble, you’re actually showing others who Jesus is! Our attitudes should always reflect who He is no matter our circumstances. Be aware of how you react to things and how you treat people. It can make all the difference in the world!  
Come up with a way to help you remember not to argue and complain when things don’t go your way. You can write Philippians 2:14 on your notebook at school or stick it on the refrigerator. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict you of complaining and arguing so that you can show Jesus to others.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for the example You set for us to live by. Help me to remember to do everything without arguing and complaining so that I reflect who You are to others. Amen.

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