Who is Your Neighbor?

Who is Your Neighbor?

Author: Nicole Ruhnke
Aug 22, 2024 | Luke 10:25-37

Begin with two minutes of stillness and silence before God.

As someone who identifies as an Enneagram 5, I LOVE questions. I love to ask just one more question in order to fully understand. I love to dig.

As the mom of a 2.5-year-old daughter, I am learning to love being asked one million questions each day.

“Mama, what’s her name?”
“Mama, what’s that for?”
“Mama, whatcha doing?”

What I am also learning is to not give the full explanation on the first ask. There are at least 99 more questions coming after the first one, so I’ve learned to pace myself. Give just a little piece of the answer at a time so I have something new to say for the next hour. I’m getting smarter by the day.

I sense a little bit of this from Jesus. He knows what questions are coming next and He just lets them come knowing He’s going to have the very best last word.

“Jesus, how do I get eternal life?”
“Jesus, but how?”
“Jesus, here’s the answer I heard you say before.”
“Jesus, but really…who is my neighbor?”

We could have a series of devotions on the Good Samaritan – there are layers of theological gold in these twelve verses. But for today, let’s take it at face value and not miss the obvious lesson.

Who is your neighbor?

Who will you see today?

Who will you notice today? 

Who around you is hurting today?

Who around you needs prayer today?

Who around you is seeking Jesus today?

Who will you have lunch with today?

Who will share part of their life with you today?

Who needs a hug from you today?

Who will you prepare dinner for tonight?

Who will you tuck into bed tonight?

Notice them. Listen to them. Help them. Care for them. Be generous to them. Have mercy on them.

Take two minutes to reflect in silence.

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