A Call for Protection

A Call for Protection

Author: Dahlia Landers
Feb 14, 2025 | Psalms 43-44

Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Psalms 43-44


Psalm 43 is a cry from Israel for God’s protection from their enemies. They feel that God has rejected them and they want to know what they have done for this to happen. Psalm 44 continues their crying out to God. They remind God of how their ancestors flourished because God sent them out and crushed those who were against them. They then asked questions about why He has not done the same for them now. They have had to retreat before their enemies, and they have been scorned. They share that all of this has happened even though they have not forgotten their God or turned away. They do not understand why such has happened when they remained faithful. They cry out to God not to reject them, but to rescue them.


The writers of these verses know and love God. They question why He has turned away from them. We live in an amazing country and in blessed homes. If we were persecuted by those outside of our circle, would we question God about forgetting us? There are people in our world today who are in situations that cannot be understood. Israel is threatened in our time. What should we remember in these trying times?


Do you know anyone who might feel like God has abandoned them? How can we help show His love to them? On a wider stage, how should we pray for those being persecuted all over the world? Talk about this with your family and decide how you can take a stand for believers everywhere who are facing scorn and reproach.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we come to You with grateful hearts for the communities and country we live in. Help us to never take for granted all You have poured out on us. Allow us to have empathy for those who are living in dangerous situations. Help us to seek ways to allow You to shine through us. Amen.

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