A Simple Meal Goes a Long Way

A Simple Meal Goes a Long Way

Author: Amy Stampley
Aug 12, 2024 | Mark 2:13-17

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way

Read Mark 2:13-17 


In Mark 2:16, people question why Jesus eats with the tax collectors and the sinners. When Jesus eats with sinners, He is showing us that it is okay to eat with people who are different from us. He gives value to them even though they are different from others around them. By sitting with these people and sharing a meal, He shows them that they are loved and valued.


Look for ways as we return to school to interact with friends who may be different from you. Notice friends that might eat alone and play alone and take that opportunity to be like Jesus was to the sinners. Sometimes just sitting near a friend might help them to feel better and to see Jesus’s love in you.


Prayer: Dear God, we are so thankful that You do not discriminate with Your love. We’re so thankful that You love each and everyone of us, regardless of our differences. God, show us those in our world that need a little more compassion and love. Help guide us to show Your love when we interact with others. Amen.

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