Made Whole

Made Whole

Author: Amy Stampley
Feb 7, 2024 | Isaiah 1:18

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way    

Read Isaiah 1:18


When I was Google searching for science experiments one day, I came across an experiment that took a jar of red water (probably water with red food coloring in it) and turned it back clear. By adding some other substance to the red water, the added mixture would completely change the red water back to perfectly clear. Although this was intended to be a science experiment, for me it was a perfect illustration of what happens when we are saved and God’s forgiveness washes away our sins and washes us white as snow. When He takes our sins from us, it's as though we never sinned at all! Our sins are forgiven and we become whole. In Isaiah 1:18, God explains why we should choose to be made whole and saved by Him. In one translation, He says if you are made whole, you will feast like Kings, but if you choose not to, you will starve like dogs (The Message). Another translation shares that being made whole will ensure that we do not face ultimate destruction (NIV). Jesus gives us a new, full life with Him, but without Him, we are broken. Jesus’s death on the cross washed away our sins. We only have to admit that we have faith and believe in Him to be made whole. 


When you ask Jesus to come into your heart, you are never the same as you were before that moment. Having Jesus living inside of you changes you. It changes the way you think and the way you act. Have you taken the step to accept Christ into your heart? If so, can you describe that feeling of when you first decided to follow Him? Discuss with your family how that moment felt for them. As a family, listen to the old hymn, "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus. "


Prayer: Dear God,  we are so thankful that You gave your Son to die on the cross to wash away all of our sins. You have promised good things for those of us who do believe. We are so thankful that we will live with You in Heaven for eternity.  Amen.

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