Be the Light

Be the Light

Author: Amanda Carpenter
Sep 12, 2024 | Galatians 2:1-5

Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Galatians 2:1-5


God chose Paul to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. He was given the job to tell people a different way of thinking. Before Jesus came, religious leaders followed very strict rules. Jesus came to tell people that there is freedom in Christ Jesus. When we believe in and love Jesus, our actions follow. In Romans 3:28, Paul preaches, “We firmly believe that a person is made right with God because of their faith.” People didn’t always agree with Paul teaching something new and different. Paul had to be very careful about how he talked to the leaders first and make sure the Good News was shared in a way that people would take time to listen and understand.


Paul knew that a crowd of strangers would not listen to his preaching, so he was careful to share the Good News with the leaders of the communities first. These leaders would then share the Gospel because they knew them, and the people would listen to them. I encourage you to pray about how you tell unbelievers about Jesus. Sometimes we can be bold, but sometimes we need to take time to get to know that person and show him/her the love of Christ first. Then, often, they begin to ask questions and want to learn more about Jesus.


Pray for someone you know who doesn’t know Jesus. Ask God to help you teach that person about Him.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be wise in how I tell other people about You. Help me be the salt and light and show them how amazing You are! Amen.

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