Being a Child of Light

Being a Child of Light

Author: Kaylee Collins
Mar 1, 2024 | Matthew 5

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Matthew 5


At the beginning of this chapter, we learn about The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus is teaching His people the “Beatitudes” which include many traits and characteristics that God’s people should demonstrate and will be blessed by. Some of these characteristics include those who are merciful, humble, seek justice, whose hearts are pure, who work for peace, etc. Jesus then goes on to teach us that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. This means that we are called to preserve these teachings of God and demonstrate to others what it means to be a follower of Christ. Jesus encourages us to be glad for a great reward awaits us in heaven for following him and his teachings. 


Have you ever thought about what it means to be a light for God? It is so amazing to think about how God uses us to show others his power and goodness. Just as a lamp gives off light, we are to shine so that others can see God through us so that they can follow Him as well. Also, just as salt preserves food and changes the way it tastes, we are called to share Jesus’s teachings with others so that God can change their lives. How exciting is it to know that not only will we be rewarded for following these teachings, but we can also help make a difference in other people’s lives! 


What are some ways that you can show others God’s goodness? 

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for Your power and goodness. Thank You for using us to change other people’s lives so that they too can follow You. Help us to let our light shine for You so that we can be a reflection of all the love and goodness You have to offer.

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