Child-like Faith

Child-like Faith

Author: Todd & Cynthia Kilborne
Mar 20, 2024 | Matthew 18

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Matthew 19


In Matthew 18, Jesus calls us to embrace our faith with the humility and innocence of a child. He tells us the importance of childlike faith, saying that unless we become like little children, we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We have to trust Jesus and rely on Him to have a relationship with Him. 

It's easy to get caught up in the craziness of life. We want to do well, be safe, and have comfort. Jesus reminds us of the purity and simplicity found in the hearts of children. Children trust others, love others, and forgive others easily. They have a sense of wonder and joy for life.


Matthew 18 tells us to truly love God. We need to trust Him for everything and treat others the way God treats us. We need to trust that God’s plan is the best plan for us. Just as we trust our parents to provide food, shelter, and love, we need to believe that God has and will always be there for us. We also need to make sure we don’t cause anyone to sin. We all have weaknesses as imperfect humans. We all have weaknesses, and we don’t like it when someone makes fun of us or encourages us to keep doing something we shouldn’t. We also need to be aware of anyone who doesn't know, love, and follow Jesus. For God wants everyone to be in a relationship with Him. We should share the Good News about Jesus with that person. And finally, forgive those who do something wrong to you. We all make mistakes. We all say or do something that hurts someone’s feelings. So be willing to forgive, because we know we have also done something wrong at some time.


So, how can we live how Jesus wants us to live - having faith like a child? Well, think about a younger brother or sister or friend. They trust you to help them with something they can't do, and they forgive you when you mess up. This is how Jesus wants us to live, to look to Him for everything, to show and tell others about who and what He means to us, and to forgive people when they make mistakes. Be an encourager, and help others to see that they need Jesus in their life too.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, first we thank You for the opportunity to pray to You and to know that You hear us. Help us to be like little children in our faith. Not immature, but totally trusting You to guide us and protect us and provide for us. Help us to look for the lost sheep where we live and to share the Good News of who You are and how we much need You. Also, help us to forgive others the way You forgive us when we mess up. Thank you for loving us.

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