Ephesians 6:10-20

Ephesians 6:10-20

Author: Amy Stampley
Jan 17, 2024 | Ephesians 6:10-20

Family Devo: Ephesians 6:10-20

By: Amy Stampley

When partnering with your family to know, love, and follow Jesus, we strive to create and share content filtered by the Head-Heart-Hands model.  

Head: the knowledge of God and His Word | Heart: the personal connection from scripture | Hands: a missional mindset 

Scripture tells us that the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. How can you keep your sword of the Spirit sharp and ready for battle?
Which part of the armor makes you feel protected from the devil’s evil schemes?
When you have friends who face difficult moments, how can you encourage them to use their spiritual armor to get through the hard times and to make the right choices?
Prayer: Dear God, we are so thankful that You have given us all the pieces for a complete armor to protect us from all evil. Help us to remember to use that armor when we face hard times. Because we have this armor, we can depend on Your protection and not have to rely on our own strength. We love You. Amen

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