Family Summer Picks: Week Two

Family Summer Picks: Week Two

Author: KXP Team
Jun 10, 2024

Family Devos will return in August, but while we are taking a break, we'll be sharing our picks to help you continue to cultivate your family's faith as you're on the go this summer! Check in every Monday to discover family resources recommended by our KXP ministers! 


KXP Minister of the Week:

Jana Whittington (Lincoln Road KXP Minister) 

Jana’s Picks: 

  • Summer Treat Pick: Sonic Reese’s Blast with EXTRA EXTRA Reese’s 
  • Summer Podcast Pick: Raising Boys and Girls Podcast 
  • Why recommend this podcast?  The Raising Boys and Girls Podcast is a great resource to help parents care for the children in their lives with a little more understanding and practical help. 
  • Who would enjoy this podcast? Parent of kids birth-5th grade

Family Resource Wall Picks of the Week:

Read More Family Devos Read Daily Devos

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