Go Where He Send You

Go Where He Send You

Author: Nichole McCardle
Apr 18, 2024 | Acts 8:26-40

Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Acts 8:26-40


Our reading today introduces us to another one of Jesus’s apostles, Philip. An angel of the Lord came to Philip and told him to go south on the desert road. Philip did not know why he was being sent on the desert road, but he immediately followed the angel's instructions to where God wanted him to go. On the road, Philip came across an Ethiopian official. The Ethiopian was reading a part of the Bible. He was confused and needed help understanding it. There, in the middle of the desert, God was giving Philip the perfect opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus with the Ethiopian! The man did not know about Jesus, and when he heard about Him, he was so excited that he wanted to be a follower of Jesus and be baptized right away!


It would have been easy for Philip to assume that the Ethiopian official was too important for him to be bothered, or he could have assumed that the man already knew about Jesus. But Philip followed God's lead and went where the angel told him to go. God loved the Ethiopian official so much that he sent Philip to him at the very perfect moment! God loves you that much and wants the same for you too!


The Gospel is a message of hope for EVERYONE! No one is too important, too good, or even too sinful for the love of Jesus and for salvation. Who can you share the Gospel with this week?

Prayer: God, You are so great and know exactly what I need and when I need it! Thank You for loving me and caring for me! God, help me to share Your love with those around me. Amen.

Becoming a Christian

Have questions about becoming a Christian, baptism, the Lord's Supper, or growing as a follower of Jesus? If you want to know more about how to know, love, and follow Jesus, you can ask your Campus KXP Minister for a copy of the Becoming A Christian Book or check out a digital copy here.

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