God's Strength in Our Temptation

God's Strength in Our Temptation

Author: Kaylee Collins
Feb 29, 2024 | Matthew 4

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Matthew 5


In the beginning of this chapter, we see multiple scenarios of how the devil tries to tempt Jesus into disobeying God. Jesus was out in the wilderness fasting for forty days and forty nights. The first time we see Satan trying to tempt Jesus, Satan tries to convince Jesus to turn stones into bread to ease His hunger, but instead, Jesus says “People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God”. Other ways Satan tries to tempt Jesus include telling Him to test God and also by offering Him all of the kingdoms in the land. Satan tried to tempt Jesus numerous times because he wanted Jesus to worship and follow him instead of God; however, Jesus did not fall into this temptation but instead relied on God for strength. 


It can become very challenging to not fall into all of the temptations that this world has to offer. Whether it is money, power, social status, etc., we are surrounded by temptations daily that try to get us to go against God and everything that He has in store for us. However, the things of this world are only temporary and will not last forever, but God provides everlasting life. It is important to recognize that Jesus did not rely on His own strength to avoid being consumed by these temptations, but He instead relied on the strength and power of God. Just as Jesus shows us, it is important that we also rely on God for strength and not on our own ability. 


Think about a time that you were tempted to do something that went against God. How did you allow God to give you strength to overcome this temptation? How can you rely more on God in the future when faced with temptation? 

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for being there for us during times of temptation. Help us to put our focus and trust in You during these challenging times rather than in our own strength. For if we rely only on ourselves we will fail, but when we put our trust in You we will be protected by Your strength and will overcome.

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