Our Guide

Our Guide

Author: Amy Stampley
Feb 5, 2024 | Psalm 51

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way

Read Psalm 51.

David wrote this, the 51st Psalm, after making a bad decision that burdened him greatly with a heavy heart. Have you ever done something that made you feel guilty or ashamed? Maybe something that your parents asked you not to do? Our human nature can cause us to stumble when we try to decide between the right thing and the wrong thing. 


The good news is, that when we decide to follow Jesus, the Holy Spirit is always with us and acts as an inside voice to direct our steps and help us know what is right and wrong. It helps us keep our paths straight. That means we can live like God wants us to live when we listen to the Holy Spirit. One of my favorite things is knowing that I can still make the right decision when no one else is looking because I remember that God knows and sees all things. No sin that we can do is hidden from our precious Lord and Savior. 


What are some ways that you can keep from making choices that cause you to feel bad about your actions? If you make the wrong decision, what can you do to make it right with yourself and with the Lord? 

Prayer: Dear God,  thank you for the wonderful mercy that You give us daily. Thank you for your forgiveness when we do wrong. Lord, help us to remember that You see and know all things so that we can remember not to sin against You. Forgive us for all the things we have done wrong. Amen.

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