A Great Joy

A Great Joy

Author: Lauren Strickland
Feb 2, 2024 | James 1:1-8

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read James 1:1-8.

What is joy? How is it different than happiness? Why do you think James tells us to consider it a great joy when hard things happen to us?


Tell me about a hard thing you or your family or a friend faced. Can you think of any ways that going through that thing made you stronger or wiser? Maybe brought you closer together? When we trust God through hard things, He has a way of making us stronger, wiser, and closer to Him and others. That’s something to have joy about! 


One of the best ways I find joy on hard and dark days is to pause and give thanks to God for all the good things I can see around me even in the midst of hard things. How do you see God showing His love in your life today?

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