Lead by Example

Lead by Example

Author: Carrie Hobson
May 17, 2024 | Acts 20:17-28

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 20:17-28


This part of the chapter brings tears to my eyes. Paul was in Miletus, and he sent for the elders of the church in Ephesus to come to him. Paul begins to remind them how he lived among them and served the Lord humbly despite all the tears and trials that the Jews caused. He reminds them how he spoke boldly about Jesus to Jews and Greeks. Paul tells them he is now going to Jerusalem knowing afflictions and imprisonment await him but that his life is not what is important. It’s finishing the ministry God called him to. He goes on to tell them that they will not see him again but to take careful care of the church of God. He warns them that men will come for them and try to deceive them. He encourages them to remember to help the weak and to remember the word of Jesus Christ. When Paul finished speaking, he knelt and prayed with them all. There were lots of tears, and the people of the church hugged Paul and kissed him. They were sad because they wouldn’t see Paul again. After all of this, they walked him to the ship.  


Some might think Paul is bragging here, but what’s really happening is Paul is telling the people to follow his example of following Jesus. He didn’t act like he was better than anybody else, but his heart was to serve the Lord with humility. What a great example! Our lives are also an example of following Jesus. The way you treat others, the way you use your words, and how you serve and help people all points others to Jesus. 


Remember as you go out and about the rest of the week that you are showing others Jesus. Be extra aware of how you speak to others and handle situations. You might be what points them to Jesus!  

Prayer: God, thank You for Paul and his boldness to serve You wholeheartedly. Help us to do the same. Help our words and actions reflect You so that others can know You, too! Amen! 

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