Letting Go of Worry

Letting Go of Worry

Author: Paige Russum
Mar 4, 2024 | Matthew 6:25-34

Head: Know God’s Word ⎢ Heart: Love God ⎢Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Matthew 6:25-34


In this passage, Matthew tells a story of Jesus teaching about worry. Jesus talks about several things you should recognize: birds, flowers, and food! He had seen many people feeling anxious because they were worried about something. Jesus told His friends that was not how God wanted us to live. He asked them to look at the birds flying in the sky and the flowers growing from the ground. He reminded the listeners that if God takes care of those things, surely He will take care of them too!


Jesus says in verse 27, “Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” Think about that. Have you ever been worried about something? Sometimes it is hard not to be concerned about good grades, baseball, or what our friends are doing, but if all we are doing is worrying, it’s not likely anything will change.

So, what can we do when worry begins to creep into our thoughts? One thing we might do is to pray that God will show us what to do. We can choose not to worry, but still take action or make a plan to help the situation. Planning for tomorrow is time well spent!


With your family, talk through some things that have caused you to worry in the past. Try to think of ways to change that feeling to something more pleasing to God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your abundant provision and care. Help us to trust in You completely, knowing that You will always take care of us. Please help us to release our worries and trust in Your perfect plan for our lives. Thank You for Your constant presence in our lives. Help us to trust in You every day and to take each step with confidence, knowing that You are with us. Amen.

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