Living Out Faith

Living Out Faith

Author: Ty Park
May 27, 2024 | Acts 26

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 26


One of the key lessons from Acts 26 is the importance of knowing God's Word. Throughout his defense, Paul refers to the prophecies of the Old Testament, showing his knowledge and understanding of Scripture. This shows us that a strong foundation in God's Word is important in defending and sharing our faith with others.


Paul's encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus is a powerful example of the heart aspect of our faith. As Paul recounts this experience, we see his personal connection with Jesus and the transformation that took place in his life. We need to understand that a relationship with God goes beyond head knowledge. It is important to seek a personal connection with Jesus through prayer, worship, and spending time with Him. This will strengthen our faith and enable us to share our personal testimonies with others.


The third thing we can learn from Acts 26 is the importance of living out our faith. Paul's defense was not just words; it was backed up by his actions. He dedicated his life to spreading the Gospel, even in the face of persecution and challenges. We can live out our faith by serving others, sharing the love of Christ, and being bold in our faith. Let's find practical ways to live out our faith, such as helping those in need or sharing the Good News with their friends

Prayer: Dear Heaven Father, Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to the cross for us. Thank You for the love You have for us. With the power of the Holy Spirit, help us live out our faith each day. Help us tell others about all the great things You have done for us. We love You. In Christ's name, I pray, Amen.

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