Love in Action

Love in Action

Author: Paige Russum
Mar 8, 2024 | Matthew 10:5-15

Head: Know God’s Word ⎢ Heart: Love God ⎢Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Matthew 10:5-15


Yesterday, we talked about Jesus needing more help to accomplish His work. Today, we get to see that happen! Imagine being chosen by Jesus to go out on a special mission. How exciting would that be? Well, that's exactly what happened to twelve of Jesus' closest friends! In this text, Jesus sent out His twelve disciples with a very important message. He told them to go to the lost sheep of Israel and proclaim that the kingdom of heaven was near. But Jesus didn't just send them out to talk; He sent them out to show His love in action. Jesus gave His disciples the power to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with leprosy, and drive out demons. He wanted them to bring hope and healing wherever they went. And He told them not to worry about taking extra stuff with them — no money, no extra clothes, nothing. Why? Because Jesus wanted them to rely completely on God's provision and trust that He would take care of them.


All of this sounds great and amazing, but unfortunately, some people didn’t want to talk to the apostles. Jesus knew this would happen so He prepared His friends! He told His friends that if people welcomed them and listened to their message, they should stay and bring peace to that home. But, if they weren't welcomed, they should shake the dust off their feet and move on. Jesus wanted His disciples to focus on sharing His love with those who were open to receiving it.

Does that sound familiar? Have you heard that from anyone before? That’s because this story isn't just about Jesus' disciples long ago. It's about you and me too! Jesus is still sending us out on a mission — a mission to share His love with the world. We might not have the power to heal the sick or raise the dead, but we can show kindness, share God's love, and bring hope to those around us.


Let's be like Jesus' disciples, sharing His love in action wherever we go. And let's trust that God will always take care of us on our adventure with Him!

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for choosing us to be part of Your mission of love. Help us to share Your love with everyone we meet, just like Jesus' disciples did. And help us to trust You to take care of us every step of the way. In Jesus' name, we pray.

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