Loving Others Through Sharing

Loving Others Through Sharing

Author: Selena Rosetti
Apr 10, 2024 | Acts 4:32–36

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 4:32–36 


Today’s scripture talks about how all the believers were one, in heart and mind. No one said that their possessions were their own, but they all shared everything they had. Like EVERYTHING they had. Their food, their clothes, their houses, their land, EVERYTHING. In verse 36, we read about a man named Joseph (also known as Barnabas) who sold his field and then took the money and put it at the apostles’ feet. This means that he gave it to the apostles so they could take care of the people who needed it.


Sharing can sometimes be hard! I mean, my stuff is MY stuff, and your stuff is YOUR stuff, right? But God tells us to share the things He has given us with others. You may not have land to sell as we read in our story today, but we all have ways we can show others we care about them.


What are some things you have that you could share with someone else today? If you go to school, you could share some of your snacks with a friend. Or, maybe it’s as simple as loaning a pencil to another student in class. If you’re not in school yet, maybe you could share your toys with someone today. Think about the people you will be with today and look for ways to show love to them.

Prayer: Dear God, You give us all things. Thank you for loving us so much and taking care of us. Help me to show Your love by sharing the things You have given me with others.

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