Luke 11:1-13

Luke 11:1-13

Author: Cindy Ogilvie
Jan 9, 2024 | Luke 11:1-13

Family Devo: Luke 11:1-13

By: Cindy Ogilvie

When partnering with your family to know, love, and follow Jesus, we strive to create and share content filtered by the Head-Heart-Hands model.  

Head: the knowledge of God and His Word | Heart: the personal connection from scripture | Hands: a missional mindset 


How does this scripture show you how to pray?


How does this scripture make you feel about prayer? Do you see your prayer as talking to a friend or is your prayer more formal?


In this passage, God tells you how to pray and tells you that no matter what you can pray to him. What are some things you may be forgetting to pray about?

Prayer: Lord, I pray for open ears and open heart so that I can hear what You are trying to tell me. Lord, I ask for guidance throughout this day. Lord, I love You and thank You. Amen!

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