On Mission

On Mission

Author: Anna Beth Scott
Apr 29, 2024 | Acts 13:1-12

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 13:1-12


Today’s passage tells us that God told the church of Antioch to “set apart” Barnabas and Paul for a special task.  God was sending them on a mission to travel to different places and tell people about Jesus.  Today, we would say Barnabas and Saul were missionaries.  The Holy Spirit guided Barnabas and Paul to several places.  On their journey they met a man, Elymas, who was a false prophet.  He was trying to get people to not believe in Jesus.  The proconsul, the man in charge of that area, wanted to hear about Jesus so he sent for Barnabas and Paul to come to him.  Elymas tried to get the proconsul to not believe in Jesus.  Paul stood up to him saying the Elymas was, “a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right”.  He told Elymas he would be blind and you know what?  He was immediately blinded!  The proconsul believed in Jesus after seeing this happen because he was “amazed at the teaching about the Lord”!


God sometimes sends people to go to different places to share the Gospel.  One day you may decide to go on a mission trip or even be a missionary as a career.  However, if you’re not part of the “going”, you can be part of the “sending”.  We can pray and encourage those that are going and we can help with resources.  The church knew the Holy Spirit was prompting them to send Barnabas and Saul because they were in a position to hear from the Holy Spirit.  They were worshiping, praying, and fasting.  This tells me that God wants to speak to us.  We just have to be in a position to hear Him.  He has a purpose and a plan for us. He wants us to share the Good News of Jesus.  And He goes with us.

Paul had to be very brave to stand up to Elymas the way he did.  I would have been scared to death!  Paul looked the false prophet in the eyes and told him the truth.  Paul had such confidence because he knew God was with him.  We can also be brave and stand up for what is right.  We can tell others about Jesus’s love for them no matter what because God is with us.  


Talk with your family about how you can be part of the mission to lead people to know, love, and follow Jesus.  Who can you invite to church?  Who can you tell about Jesus?  How can you live your life in a way that points others to Jesus?

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for having a purpose for my life.  Help me to be brave and share Your love and truth with others.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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