Putting Others First

Putting Others First

Author: Todd & Cynthia Kilborne
Mar 22, 2024 | Matthew 20

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way 

Read Matthew 20


This chapter teaches that to be saved from our sins and have a relationship with Jesus, we can’t rely on ourselves or the things we can do. Only God makes it possible. The parable of the vineyard is a story that shows that anyone can be saved from their sins and have a relationship with God. It isn’t because of our abilities, efforts, or how rich we are. It is through God’s grace, a gift we don't deserve, that we enter God’s kingdom and are saved. God doesn’t love people more or less because of how important they are or how much they have. He wants us to love Him and put others before ourselves.


When we love God, we need to live differently than the world. We need to serve others and forgive each other. We do this not for God’s favor but because of the love we have experienced from God. We always like giving presents more than getting them. It is nice to know that we made someone feel special or loved. This makes us feel better than demanding gifts for ourselves. That is how God feels about us. Jesus came down to serve others, to give them hope, love, and encouragement rather than being served. He could have demanded we serve Him. He is a king, but He wanted to lead by example, showing others that love and kindness are important.  Let’s be different from the world; let us be the ones who help others without expecting anything in return.


So how can we put others first? By loving God and helping someone else today. Remember Jesus came to earth to die on the cross for our sins. Why? Because He loves us. We can show His love to others by being a servant to others. Look for an opportunity to serve someone today.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for showing us how to live by putting others first and being a servant. Help me to see who needs help or encouragement today and give me the desire to serve them well. We love You and praise You for Your sacrifice for us.
In Jesus' name. Amen.

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