Sharing Love Boldly

Sharing Love Boldly

Author: Selena Rosetti
Apr 11, 2024 | Acts 5:12-42

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 5:12-42 


At the beginning of the week, we read how Peter and John were arrested and put in jail. Today, we see a similar story involving the apostles. They continued to preach about Jesus and were also healing sick people. The Bible says that this made the leaders very jealous. So, they had them arrested again. But this time, an angel of the Lord went to them during the night, opened the doors, and led them out. He told them to go back to the temple courts and continue to tell the people about Jesus. By the time the sun started to rise, the apostles were already in the temple courts preaching the Good News of Christ. They were obedient to what God asked them to do even though all of the important leaders were warning them not to talk about Jesus anymore.  


These apostles were brave men who faced hard times, but they chose to trust God no matter what. We will all have our own challenges as we choose to be followers of Christ, but we can trust in God’s faithfulness to protect and provide for us just as He did for the apostles. He is always with us, giving us strength and courage to stand firm in our beliefs.   


Just like the apostles, let’s be bold in sharing the love of Jesus with others, trusting that when we do, God is with us.  

Are there people in your life who need to hear about God’s love? Ask God to help you have courage and strength to talk with them about Jesus.  

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the example of the apostles who trusted in You even in difficult times. Please help us to have the same courage to stand up for You and give us strength to share Your love with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

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