Sight to the Blind

Sight to the Blind

Author: Carrie Hobson
Aug 7, 2024 | Matthew 20:29-34

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way   

Read Matthew 20:29-34


Today, we see Jesus with a crowd of people. As Jesus walked with the crowd, they came upon two blind men sitting by the road. The men heard that Jesus was coming by, so they began to cry out to Him. The crowd told them to be quiet, but they got louder! Jesus asked the men what they wanted Him to do for them. They told Jesus that they wanted their eyes to be opened. So, Jesus touched their eyes and immediately they could see!


It’s interesting to me that Jesus asked the men what they wanted Him to do for them. Jesus already knew their exact need, but He wanted to hear them ask because it signified their trust in Him. He wants to hear our needs. He cares about our hearts and being in a relationship with us. Don’t you tell your close friends and family what your needs are? You tell them because you trust them. Jesus wants that same closeness with us.  


Spend some time this week telling your needs to Jesus - not needs of the new gaming system or a new toy, but the ones that affect your heart. Tell Jesus when you’re scared or sad, when you’re sick, when you’re anxious, etc. He longs to be close to you, and He wants you to trust and rely on Him.

Prayer: Jesus, we are SO thankful that You want to be in a relationship with us. Thank You for caring about our needs. We can trust you with anything! Amen.  

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