Standing Strong in Faith

Standing Strong in Faith

Author: Jana Whittington
May 22, 2024 | Acts 22:30-23:35

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 22:30-23:35 


As we read today, we witness Paul standing strong in his faith despite facing opposition and danger. Paul boldly declares his belief in the resurrection of the dead, which divides the crowd and leads to chaos. Even when faced with threats to his life, Paul remains steadfast in his commitment to following Jesus.


Just like Paul, we may encounter situations where our faith is tested. It can be challenging to stand up for what we believe in, especially when others around us disagree or try to intimidate us. But God calls us to be courageous and unwavering in our faith, trusting in His strength to help us persevere. Paul's example reminds us that even in the face of adversity, God is with us. He gives us the courage and wisdom we need to stand firm in our beliefs and to speak the truth in love. When we rely on God's power and guidance, we can face any challenge with confidence and grace.


As we journey through life, let's follow Paul's example of standing strong in our faith. Let's not be afraid to boldly proclaim what we believe, even when it's not popular or easy. And let's trust that God will always be by our side, empowering us to live out our faith with courage and conviction.

Prayer: Dear God, give us the courage to speak up for what is right and to follow You faithfully, just as Paul did. Thank You for being our constant source of strength and encouragement. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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