The Faith Walk

The Faith Walk

Author: Amanda Carpenter
Mar 14, 2024 | Matthew 14

Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Matthew 14:13-36


Did you know that the Bible says that if all of Jesus’ miracles were written down, there would not be enough room for them in the world (John 21:25b, NIRV)? Matthew 14 tells us about some of Jesus’ miracles. Jesus feeds five THOUSAND people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. Shortly after, He sends the disciples across the lake in a boat so He can take some time by Himself to pray. When He’s ready to catch up with them, He simply walks on water towards the boat. I’m picturing Jesus going for a stroll, coming to the edge of the shore, and continuing to walk on the water as if it’s “normal”. The first thing Jesus does when His disciples see Him is to tell them it is Him and not to fear. Then Peter asks Jesus to tell him to walk on the water, and he does. In faith, trusting that Jesus will take care of him, Peter steps out of the boat. As long as he focuses on Jesus, he continues taking step after step. But then something happens. He takes his eyes off Jesus and sees the wind, the distractions around him. He immediately begins to sink. Notice that Jesus does not let him fall! He’s there to catch him and walk with him back to the boat.


Hebrews 12:2 says, “Let us keep looking to Jesus…Then you won’t get tired. You won’t lose hope.” Peter is able to walk on water as long as he stays focused on Jesus, BUT when Peter loses focus, Jesus is still there to pick him up and get him back on track. The same is true for us. Psalm 37:24 says, “Even if that person trips, he won’t fall. The Lord’s hand takes good care of him.”


What does faith look like for you? When you sit in a chair, you have faith that the chair will hold you up. When you get in your car in the morning, you have faith that it will get you to school. Do you also have faith that God will ALWAYS take care of you? Bring some Jesus talk into your home this week and speak with someone at your house about faith.

Prayer: Lord, help me to have faith that You will always take care of me. When I lose focus on You, Lord, pick me back up and bring me close to You. Amen.

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