Head: Know God’s Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God’s Way
Read John 12-13
John begins Chapter 12 by sharing the story of Mary anointing Jesus’ feet with an expensive perfume. Judas objects to this because he has been keeping the money and wants to take part in it for himself. Jesus defends the woman because He knows the time with them is coming to a close. As Jesus enters Jerusalem to prepare for the Passover, He is greeted as a king. He again predicts His death. Some still did not believe who He was. In Chapter 13 Jesus washes the disciples’ feet as He teaches them to do the same for others. What a great example of being a servant. He continues to tell them about His coming betrayal by Judas and predicts Peter’s denial.
Jesus continues to try to teach His followers about His time to leave. Mary anointed His feet with expensive perfume, and a great crowd greeted Him with palm branches as He entered Jerusalem as a king. Yet, they could not understand the death He was going to face. When God answered Jesus from heaven, the crowd thought it was thunder or an angel. Would you be scared if you heard the voice of God? Would you try to explain what it might have been? After all his teaching, some Jews believed and others still didn’t. That is still true today – some hear about Jesus and believe, while others hear and still do not believe. Jesus showed the disciples what He wanted them to understand about being a servant when He washed their feet. What a great lesson!
We have a great example of how to serve others when we read these chapters. While Jesus does not ask us to wash others’ feet, He shows us that we are called to look for opportunities to show His love by serving others. Can you think of ways to serve others this week? Share those with your family.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus to teach us how to show You to others by serving them. Help us to take every opportunity to share all You have given us through Your Holy Word. We love You. Amen.