The Plentiful Harvest

The Plentiful Harvest

Author: Paige Russum
Mar 7, 2024 | Matthew 9

Head: Know God’s Word ⎢ Heart: Love God ⎢Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Matthew 9:35-38


Today, Matthew tells us about Jesus traveling to visit several towns and villages. He was able to help many sick people get better and to share messages of God’s love. While He was out, there were very large crowds, and He noticed they seemed confused. He felt bad for them. He later told his friends, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.” Have you ever seen anyone working in a garden, planting seeds and harvesting fruit and vegetables? There is SO much work that goes into successfully growing food for people. In today's Bible verse, Jesus talks to His disciples about a different kind of harvest — a harvest of people's hearts.


Jesus tells His disciples that the harvest is plentiful. That means there are many people who are ready to hear about God's love and forgiveness. Just like crops waiting to be picked, there are many hearts ready to receive Jesus and His message of hope. But here's the thing: Jesus also says that the workers are few. That means there aren't enough people telling others about God's love and sharing the Good News of Jesus. Jesus wants more people to join in the work of spreading His love to others. That's where you and I come in! Jesus is calling each one of us to be workers in His harvest field. We might not be farmers planting seeds in a field, but we can plant seeds of love and kindness in people's hearts. We can tell others about Jesus and show them His love through our actions. 


Jesus encourages us to pray to God, asking Him to send out workers into the harvest field. When we pray, we're asking God to help more people hear about Jesus and follow Him. And who knows? Maybe God will even send us to be workers in His harvest field! So, let's be like the workers Jesus is calling us to be. Let's share His love with everyone we meet, and let's pray for more workers to join us in spreading the Good News of Jesus.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the harvest of hearts that are ready to receive Your love. Help us to be workers in Your harvest field, sharing the good news of Jesus with everyone we meet. And please send out more workers to join us in this important work. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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