The Wise Man Builds His House on a Rock

The Wise Man Builds His House on a Rock

Author: Paige Russum
Mar 5, 2024 | Matthew 7:24-27

Head: Know God’s Word ⎢ Heart: Love God ⎢Hands: Follow God’s Way

Read Matthew 7:24-27


In this chapter, Jesus spends a lot of time encouraging His friends to follow God’s directions. He tells people to pray, be kind, do what is right, and study the Bible so we recognize when people are trying to trick us. He then says, “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is like a person who builds a house on solid rock.” What do you think that means?


Have you ever built a sand castle? When it rains or when the tide comes in, what happens? Our castle washes away! Even if we had built a house of wood, when water washes under the sand, it moves and our house would not stand. Here, Jesus is showing us that we can have a solid foundation for our lives if we anchor ourselves in His word.


Before praying together, share some stories of people who made wise decisions. Identify challenges they may have faced and ways they maintained their integrity. Know that it may not always be easy, but it will always be worth it to seek God’s wisdom and pursue His guidance.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for teaching us through stories like the one Jesus told about the wise and foolish builders. Help us to be like the wise builder, building our lives on the solid foundation of Your words. Give us the wisdom to listen and obey, so that no matter what storms come our way, we'll stand firm in You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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