Trust It!

Trust It!

Author: Carrie Hobson
May 15, 2024 | Acts 19:21-41

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 19:21-41


Paul finds himself in the middle of chaos today. There was a silversmith named, Demetrius, who was mad that Paul was telling people about the One True God. People didn’t need idols made from hands anymore, so Demetrius felt like Paul was the reason he and his fellow workmen were losing their wealth. They were scared their trade would go away and that the temple of their idol goddess, Artemis, would be counted as nothing. When the people heard this, they were angry and started praising Artemis. The city was thrown into chaos and confusion. Paul wished to go into the crowd, but his friends wouldn’t let him. This yelling went on for two hours! Finally, the town clerk made the crowd quiet. He told them that Paul and his men were not blasphemous or sacrilegious concerning Artemis, but if Demetrius and his fellow workmen had issues with them, they should take it up in a regular assembly. The town clerk feared they were going to be charged with rioting if they continued with all the chaos. So, the chaos ended.  


Have you noticed all through Paul’s adventures we see him bring others to Christ and the unbelievers cause chaos? Satan hates when people turn to Jesus. This is why Paul had to face evil all along his journey. Today, we see God step in once again and protect Paul and his men by not allowing the chaos to continue. NOTHING is going to stop God’s plan. This is true in your own life, too. God’s plan may not be what your plan is but trust it! It’s always best!  


Think of a time when you thought you had it all figured out, but God did something different and better! Discuss this as a family. Thank God for His perfect plan. 

Prayer: God, thank You that You have a plan far better than we can imagine. Direct our steps to follow that plan so we can lead others to know, love, and follow You! Amen.  

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