Trusting God to Comfort and Guide

Trusting God to Comfort and Guide

Author: Ty Park
May 28, 2024 | Acts 27:1-12

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 27:1-12


Paul, a follower of Jesus, was on a ship with other prisoners, sailors, and soldiers, heading towards Rome. They embarked on this journey and they encountered very unpredictable weather. As they sailed, they came across strong winds and a big storm which caused delays and made the journey challenging. This teaches us that even as followers of Jesus, we may encounter storms in life. It’s important to remember that we will face difficulties, but Jesus promises to walk with us through it.


In the midst of the storm, Paul warned the crew and prisoners about the dangers that lay ahead. He encouraged them to seek God's guidance and trust in His plan. Paul's words remind us that in times of difficulty, we should turn to God for wisdom and guidance. We can pray and ask Him for strength and courage to face difficult moments.


As we read this story, we not only gain knowledge and find comfort in God's presence, but we are also called to action. Just as Paul was on a mission to spread the Gospel, we too can use our hands to share God's love and message with others. We can be a source of comfort and support to those around us who may be going through their own storms.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much for how You promise to always be with us. We can rest in the promise that we are never alone. Thank You for being our peace in the midst of difficult times in our lives. As we experience Your love and compassion, help us to spread that to others in their time of need. We love You, Jesus. In Your name I pray, Amen.

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