Trusting God's Plan, Even When it is Hard

Trusting God's Plan, Even When it is Hard

Author: Ty Park
May 30, 2024 | Acts 28:1-10

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Acts 28:1-10


Let's look at Paul's background. Paul, a follower of Jesus, was on a journey when he faced a storm and ended up on the island of Malta. Despite the challenges, Paul's faith in God never wavered. This teaches us that no matter what difficulties we face, we can trust in God's plans for us.


Imagine being shipwrecked like Paul. It must have been scary and uncertain for him. But instead of complaining, Paul showed kindness and helped build a fire for others. This shows us that even in tough times, we can choose to be kind and helpful, just like Paul.


Paul's actions on the island of Malta weren't just about survival; they were about being a light for Jesus. The people of Malta saw God's power through Paul's actions and words. This teaches us that we can also share God's love with others through our kindness and compassion.

Prayer: Dear Heaven Father, thank You for the example of Paul and his faithfulness to You even in hard times. Help us to remember to trust You and show kindness to others no matter what challenges we face. In Jesus' name, we pray, amen.

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