Message Notes

24 | Acts 2


In Acts 2, New Testament house churches became a place of community for believers. Followers of Jesus came together to study God’s Word, break bread, and share the miraculous works of the Holy Spirit. In these communities, there was something crucial woven throughout – prayer. Praise, thanksgiving, prayers of healing, prayers of trust and surrender. House churches were places of prayer.   

Your House Church is your faith community; it is your place of prayer. Lean into 21 Days of Prayer with your House Church and pray together; pray for one another; pray that God would pour out His Spirit.   

Find a House Church near you.


Primary Text:

Acts 2:42-47 

Supplemental Text:

Acts 4:23-36, Matthew 6:5-13, James 5:13-20 


  • Read Acts 2:42-47.
  • What does this passage tell you about prayer?  
  • What is your prayer life like currently? 
  • How do you want it to change this year?  
  • What is a next step you can take in your prayer life?
  • How are you leveraging 21 Days of Prayer?  


At House Church, use a prayer card, a note card, or the note section below to write your answers to the following questions. Use this prayer card as a reminder as you pray this week.  

My Prayers:  
  • What am I praying for this year? 
  • Who am I praying for in 2024?  

As you discuss the following questions as a House Church, write your answers down. Use this prayer card as a reminder as you pray this week. 

Our Prayers:  
  • What would we like to see happen in our House Church? In our community? 
  • How can we pray for our church in 2024? 
Prayers For Our Church in the Next Season: 
  • Help us grieve well. 
  • Help us see clearly. 
  • Holy Spirit, fall on us. 


7 Marks Prayer and Fasting Guide  

21 Days of Prayer 

Step Bible 

Prayer by Timothy Keller

Prayer Card (In Prayer Section Above)


Use this tool to study God’s Word 


Write which passage of scripture you are reading. 


What is this text saying? What is the context? How does it fit with the verses before and after it? Are there any commands or instructions? 


How can you apply this verse to your life? What does this mean today? What is God saying to you? 


Respond to the passage in prayer. Ask God to help you apply this truth to your life and spend some time listening to what He may be telling you.