Message Notes

34 | Mark 6:31-32


Primary Text: Mark 6:31-32 
Supplemental Text: Matthew 21:1-17, 26:1-16, 26:20-30, 27:11-66, 28:1-20 

Holy Week Observations & Applications 

  • This week we’ll observe Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter Sunday. 
  • Spend time in scripture, prayer, and community just as Jesus demonstrated during Holy Week.  
  • Don’t miss House Church on Silent Wednesday. The aim for this night is to follow Jesus’ example from Scripture – He made it a priority to rest together with His friends and faith family.  

House Church: Three Ways to Rest Together 

Pray: Praise His Name Together 
  • Take a moment before your meal to pray and read scripture together. 
  • Read Mark 6:31-32. 
  • Take turns praying through some of the prayer prompts below.  
  • That’s what this night is about - to rest in Him together as a faith family.  
Play: Find Rest in Being Together 
  • Enjoy being with each other. 
  • Laugh and have fun.  
  • Cook some burgers on the grill. 
  • Have an Easter egg hunt for all the kids. 
  • Play cornhole or kickball. Shoot basketball together. 
Prepare: Ready Your Hearts Together 
  • As the night ends, challenge your House Church to fast together from Thursday night until the conclusion of Good Friday Prayer.  
  • Encourage your House Church to attend Good Friday Prayer together.   
  • Pray for the weekend to come. 
  • Read Isaiah 53 aloud to wrap up the night. 
Prayer Prompts 
  • Praise God for who He is and what He’s done. 
  • Ask God to reveal any sin in your heart so that you can repent and follow Him in a new way. 
  • Pray for the unchurched in your community – that they would feel drawn to come experience the hope and grace of Jesus this weekend.  
  • Ask God to guide and direct you to be a light for Him in your communities and open your eyes to opportunities to share and invite.  
  • God, we pray that as we approach Easter our hearts would be aligned to Yours like never before. Jesus, thank you for what You did on the cross for us. For taking on all my sin and shame. Jesus thank you for saving us. We praise You because You have defeated death. We celebrate that You did not stay in that tomb! Jesus, we love You! May Your love for us flow out from us to those around us. Amen. 

[HIS]tory: Journey Through Holy Week 

Easter at Venture


Use this tool to study God’s Word 


Write which passage of scripture you are reading. 


What is this text saying? What is the context? How does it fit with the verses before and after it? Are there any commands or instructions? 


How can you apply this verse to your life? What does this mean today? What is God saying to you? 


Respond to the passage in prayer. Ask God to help you apply this truth to your life and spend some time listening to what He may be telling you.