House Church Guide

10 | Galatians 5 | Kids Guide

Key Verse

John 15:11“I have told you this so that you will have the same joy that I have. I also want your joy to be complete.”

When things are going well, we feel excited, happy, and full of joy. When hard things come our way, we might feel sad. Sometimes it’s hard to feel joy when you feel low and sad. The Bible teaches us that we can have true joy even when things aren’t going right or like we hoped they would. Joy comes from a close relationship with Jesus Christ. When we talk to Jesus in prayer and tell Him how we feel, He will help us walk through the tough times. The joy of knowing Jesus and His great love for us is more wonderful than anything. We can have joy inside when we believe that Jesus loves and cares for us and that He will never leave us no matter what. So, if you lose your favorite toy, drop your pizza on the ground, or have an argument with someone - stop and talk to Jesus. Let Him know if you feel mad or sad. You can trust Jesus with your true feelings. True joy comes from knowing that you can talk to Jesus about everything, even the hard things. In the Book of Psalms in the Bible, King David says that “Weeping (sadness) can stay for the night. But JOY comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5. Sadness will last a short time, but the joy Jesus gives will last forever.


Joy is like happiness that fills you up on the inside. It fills you so full that it overflows and shows on your face and in your body. People that have joy often have big smiles, jump up and down, squeal, and give hugs. Have you ever felt like that? What made you that happy, that full of joy?


Dear God, thank You for the great joy that knowing Jesus brings. We are grateful that sadness lasts a short time, and joy can be ours every morning when we seek You first. Please help us show and share this joy with everyone. In the beautiful Name of Jesus, Amen.

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