House Church Guide

11 | Philippians 4 | Kids Guide

Key Verse

Philippians 4:7“Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” 

Peace is a special gift from God that makes our hearts feel calm and happy. Imagine the feeling you get when you hear a gentle song or see a beautiful rainbow—that’s what peace feels like. Jesus wants us to have peace in our hearts, no matter what’s happening around us. Sometimes, we might feel worried or scared, but we can pray to Jesus. He will help us feel peaceful. The Bible says in Philippians 4:7 that God’s peace is so wonderful - it’s beyond what we can understand! We can also bring peace to others by being kind and gentle. If your friend is sad or upset, you can bring them peace by comforting them. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace because He shows us how to live peacefully. We can ask Jesus to help us be peacemakers in our families and schools. God’s peace will make us feel safe, and we will feel God’s love surrounding us. Just like peace, patience is a special gift from God. Patience is accepting things the way they are right now and waiting for what is to come in the future. Sometimes it can be difficult to be patient. We often want what we want when we want it, but God’s timing is not like our own. Sometimes we must wait. We must wait our turn in line or wait for dinner to cook in the oven. We wait at the doctor’s office and wait to get our allowance. We also wait for answers to our prayers. Sometimes we wait for things we desire, but we can trust that God is always working. He is working things out for our good – even if His answer is not what we hoped it would be. The Bible tells us that God doesn’t delay, but His timing is different than ours. When we are patient with God, it means that we are trusting Him. Shouldn’t we trust the one who holds the whole world in place? If we are patient with others, it means we’re showing them grace in the same way we hope others will be patient with us. Even if waiting is hard, it is always worth it. In all things, trust that God is working. His timing is perfect in everything.


Let’s read and think about a verse from the book of Psalms. Psalm 37:7a says “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him...” How can you live this out? Talk about ways you can be still before the Lord and wait patiently for His timing.


God, what amazing gifts You give us, Lord, when we trust You with our hearts and lives. Thank You that we can have peace in knowing Your love that keeps us safe. We are grateful that You teach us in Your word how to be patient. Please help us practice patience and be still to experience Your peace that is so wonderful. In the Name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

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