Start Praying


Lincoln Road
Prayer Count: 3


Things at work are not going well. A doctor who has no business being in this field is making things very difficult and getting people fired. And management is ok with it cuz all they care about is money. Forget patient safety and care


Lincoln Road
Prayer Count: 4

Family Issues

Please pray for my brother dealing with a rebellious 19 year old son


Hunt Club
Prayer Count: 6


I lost my job and I’m trying to find a new one. Please give me wisdom and peace that all will be ok and I will find another job.


Stone County
Prayer Count: 1


Dear Jesus, please pray for a breakthrough for Viola Cleo Bradshaw and rescue her from the pit of hell, and there is a hole in me, please pray to repair and restore myself. I need deep peace and deep sleep. My soul is trapped behind a block of concr

Viola Cleo Bradshaw

Church Online
Prayer Count: 1


Dear Jesus, please pray for a supernatural power to breakthrough every obstacle and Jesus is the great Door opener, open doors for me, for Viola Cleo Bradshaw and rescue her from the pit of hell, and there is a hole in me,


Hunt Club
Prayer Count: 6

Family Issues

Personal prayer request


Lincoln Road
Prayer Count:


I may find myself at a position to where I need to look for a new job . Things at work have gotten really bad. A lot of my coworkers are thinking about resigning. I really like my job but things have gotten so bad. It’s hard to manage it.


Gulf Coast
Prayer Count: 8


Parenting teens through struggles of my divorce.


Lincoln Road
Prayer Count: 8

Current Events

Please pray for my son Wesley. That God will intervene in what is the most difficult decision of his life. Please pray for God's wisdom.


Lincoln Road
Prayer Count: 1


Praying for All My Family and Friend Love God God continued to Bless me on my journey All my sisters I praying whatever they going through


Church Online
Prayer Count: 5


Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon.,I've been praying for a life partner for 29 years..

Viola Cleo

Church Online
Prayer Count: 1


Dear Jesus, please pray for a supernatural power to breakthrough every obstacle and Jesus is the great Door opener, open doors for me, for Viola Cleo Bradshaw and rescue her from the pit of hell, and there is a hole in me, please pray

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