Salt and Light

Sunday, August 4

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Rest/Catch Up

Monday, August 5

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Matthew 9:35-38
5 Aug
Blake Houston
The Plentiful Harvest of Compassion
Matthew 9:35-38
5 Aug
Carrie Hobson
The Harvest

Tuesday, August 6

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Matthew 14:13-21
6 Aug
Blake Houston
Putting the Needs of Others First
Matthew 14:13-21
6 Aug
Carrie Hobson
God's Provision

Wednesday, August 7

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Matthew 20:29-34
7 Aug
Blake Houston
Jesus Heals the Blind Men
Matthew 20:29-34
7 Aug
Carrie Hobson
Sight to the Blind

Thursday, August 8

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Luke 5:12-16
8 Aug
Blake Houston
Stepping into the Story
Luke 5:12-16
8 Aug
Carrie Hobson
Compassion for Us

Friday, August 9

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Luke 7:11-17
9 Aug
Blake Houston
Jesus Steps into the Widow's Pain
Luke 7:11-17
9 Aug
Carrie Hobson
His Great Compassion

Saturday, August 10

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Rest/Catch Up

Sunday, August 11

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Rest/Catch Up

Monday, August 12

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Mark 2:13-17
12 Aug
Kyle Warren
Tax Collectors and Sinners
Mark 2:13-17
12 Aug
Amy Stampley
A Simple Meal Goes a Long Way

Tuesday, August 13

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Mark 10:13-16
13 Aug
Kyle Warren
Choose Compassion
Mark 10:13-16
13 Aug
Amy Stampley
A Child-like Heart

Wednesday, August 14

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John 4:1-45
14 Aug
Kyle Warren
Soul Satisfaction
John 4:1-45
14 Aug
Amy Stampley
Share Jesus

Thursday, August 15

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Luke 10:38-42
15 Aug
Kyle Warren
Be With Before Doing For
Luke 10:38-42
15 Aug
Amy Stampley
Are You a Mary or a Martha?

Friday, August 16

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Luke 8:40-48
16 Aug
Kyle Warren
The Ministry of Presence
Luke 8:40-48
16 Aug
Amy Stampley
Boldly Bring Our Needs to Jesus

Saturday, August 17

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Rest/Catch Up

Sunday, August 18

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Rest/Catch Up

Monday, August 19

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Mark 2:1-12
19 Aug
Nicole Ruhnke
Active Evangelism
Mark 2:1-12
19 Aug
Megan McCarver
Jesus Forgives and Heals the Paralyzed Man

Tuesday, August 20

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Mark 10:46-52
20 Aug
Nicole Ruhnke
Expect More
Mark 10:46-52
20 Aug
Megan McCarver
Jesus Heals the Blind Man

Wednesday, August 21

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Luke 7:36-50
21 Aug
Nicole Ruhnke
The Measure of Forgiveness
Luke 7:36-50
21 Aug
Megan McCarver
Honoring Jesus

Thursday, August 22

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Luke 10:25-37
22 Aug
Nicole Ruhnke
Who is Your Neighbor?
Luke 10:25-37
22 Aug
Megan McCarver
Like the Good Samaritan

Friday, August 23

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Luke 19:1-10
23 Aug
Nicole Ruhnke
A Wee Little Man with a Big Heart
Luke 19:1-10
23 Aug
Megan McCarver

Saturday, August 24

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Rest/Catch Up

Sunday, August 25

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Rest/Catch Up